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Species containing TAP Family: bHSH (total: 12)

Below is the table of species in which TAP bHSH was found. Click on a species name to go to the species page, or click on a TaxID to go to the corresponding NCBI page

Lettercode Species Name NCBI TaxID
AMPQU Amphimedon queenslandica 400682
CAEEL Caenorhabditis elegans 6239
CIOIN Ciona intestinalis 7719
DANRE Danio rerio 7955
DROME Drosophila melanogaster 7227
FUGRU Fugu rubripes 31033
HOMSA Homo sapiens 9606
HYDMA Hydra vulgaris 6087
HYPDU Hypsibius dujardini 232323
MUSMU Mus musculus 10090
NEMVE Nematostella vectensis 45351
XENTR Xenopus tropicalis 8364
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