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Species Table

This is a table of all species included in TAPscan v4. Protein names (e.g. in the phylogenetic trees) are extended by a (typically five) letter code abbreviating the species, e.g. ORYSA = ORYza SAtiva. These lettercodes are listed in the table below.

5 Letter Code Species Name NCBI TaxID Actions
CAPFA Carpinus fangiana 176857
CAPGR Capsella grandiflora 264402
CAPOW Capsaspora owczarzaki 192875
CAPRU Capsella rubella 81985
CARCA Carya cathayensis 139927
CARHI Cardamine hirsuta 50463
CARIL Carya illinoinensis 32201
CARLI Carex littledalei 544730
CARPA Carica papaya 3649
CASGL Casuarina glauca 3522
CASMO Castanea mollissima 60419
CATRO Catharanthus roseus 4058
CAUCR Caulobacter crescentus CB15 190650
CAULE Caulerpa lentillifera 148947
CENAM Cenchrus americanus 4543
CEPFO Cephalotus follicularis 3775
CEPOL Cephalotus follicularis 3775
CERCA Cercis canadensis 49801
CERDE Ceratophyllum demersum 4428
CERPUFtr Ceratodon purpureus 3225
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