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TAP Family: Trihelix

Kaplan-Levy et al (2012): GT factors are the founding members of the trihelix transcription factor family. Genomic studies have revealed 30 members of this family in Arabidopsis and 31 in rice, falling into five clades. Newly discovered functions involve responses to salt and pathogen stresses, the development of perianth organs, trichomes, stomata and the seed abscission layer, and the regulation of late embryogenesis.


Kaplan-Levy, RN; Brewer, PB; Quon, T; Smyth, DR. 2012. The trihelix family of transcription factors--light, stress and development. Trends Plant Sci. 17(3):163-71

Nagano, Y. 2000. Several features of the GT-factor trihelix domain resemble those of the Myb DNA-binding domain. Plant Physiol. 124(2):491-4"

Nagano, Y; Inaba, T; Furuhashi, H; Sasaki, Y. 2001. Trihelix DNA-binding protein with specificities for two distinct cis-elements: both important for light down-regulated and dark-inducible gene expression in higher plants. J. Biol. Chem. 276(25):22238-43"

Smalle, J; Kurepa, J; Haegman, M; Gielen, J; Van Montagu, M; Van Der Straeten, D. 1998. The trihelix DNA-binding motif in higher plants is not restricted to the transcription factors GT-1 and GT-2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95(6):3318-22"

Zhou, DX. 1999. Regulatory mechanism of plant gene transcription by GT-elements and GT-factors. Trends Plant Sci 4(6):210-214"

Kaplan-Levy, RN; Brewer, PB; Quon, T; Smyth, DR. 2012. The trihelix family of transcription factors--light, stress and development. Trends Plant Sci. 17(3):163-71"

Nagano, Y. 2000. Several features of the GT-factor trihelix domain resemble those of the Myb DNA-binding domain. Plant Physiol. 124(2):491-4"

Nagano, Y; Inaba, T; Furuhashi, H; Sasaki, Y. 2001. Trihelix DNA-binding protein with specificities for two distinct cis-elements: both important for light down-regulated and dark-inducible gene expression in higher plants. J. Biol. Chem. 276(25):22238-43"

Smalle, J; Kurepa, J; Haegman, M; Gielen, J; Van Montagu, M; Van Der Straeten, D. 1998. The trihelix DNA-binding motif in higher plants is not restricted to the transcription factors GT-1 and GT-2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95(6):3318-22"

Zhou, DX. 1999. Regulatory mechanism of plant gene transcription by GT-elements and GT-factors. Trends Plant Sci 4(6):210-214"

Name: Trihelix
Class: TF
Number of species containing the TAP: 414 (list)
Number of available proteins: 13566
Domain rules :

TAP distribution:
Minimum Maximum Average Median
1 287 32.768115942029 28

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