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TAP Family: RB

Bremner et al (2004): The data suggest that RB protein may not control the rate of progenitor division, but is critical for cell cycle exit when dividing retinal progenitors differentiate into postmitotic transition cells.


Bremner, R; Chen, D; Pacal, M; Livne-Bar, I; Agochiya, M. 2004. The RB protein family in retinal development and retinoblastoma: new insights from new mouse models. Dev Neurosci. 26(5-6):417-34

Ebel, C; Mariconti, L; Gruissem, W. 2004. Plant retinoblastoma homologues control nuclear proliferation in the female gametophyte. Nature 429(6993):776-80"

Bremner, R; Chen, D; Pacal, M; Livne-Bar, I; Agochiya, M. 2004. The RB protein family in retinal development and retinoblastoma: new insights from new mouse models. Dev Neurosci. 26(5-6):417-34"

Ebel, C; Mariconti, L; Gruissem, W. 2004. Plant retinoblastoma homologues control nuclear proliferation in the female gametophyte. Nature 429(6993):776-80"

Name: RB
Class: TF
Number of species containing the TAP: 488 (list)
Number of available proteins: 941
Domain rules :

TAP distribution:
Minimum Maximum Average Median
1 42 1.9282786885246 1

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