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TAP Family: LFY

Parcy et al (1998): The initial steps of flower development involve two classes of consecutively acting regulatory genes. Meristem-identity genes, which act early to control the initiation of flowers, are expressed throughout the incipient floral primordium. Homeotic genes, which act later to specify the identity of individual floral organs, are expressed in distinct domains within the flower. The link between the two classes of genes has remained unknown so far. Here we show that the meristem-identity gene LEAFY has a role in controlling homeotic genes that is separable from its role in specifying floral fate. On the basis of our observation that LEAFY activates different homeotic genes through distinct mechanisms, we propose a genetic framework for the control of floral patterning.


Parcy, F; Nilsson, O; Busch, MA; Lee, I; Weigel, D. 1998. A genetic framework for floral patterning. Nature 395(6702):561-6

Name: LFY
Class: TF
Number of species containing the TAP: 340 (list)
Number of available proteins: 557
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TAP distribution:
Minimum Maximum Average Median
1 11 1.6382352941176 1

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