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TAP Family: HSF

Wu (1995): Organisms respond to elevated temperatures and to chemical and physiological stresses by an increase in the synthesis of heat shock proteins. The regulation of heat shock gene expression in eukaryotes is mediated by the conserved heat shock transcription factor (HSF). HSF is present in a latent state under normal conditions; it is activated upon heat stress by induction of trimerization and high-affinity binding to DNA and by exposure of domains for transcriptional activity. Analysis of HSF cDNA clones from many species has defined structural and regulatory regions responsible for the inducible activities. The heat stress signal is thought to be transduced to HSF by changes in the physical environment, in the activity of HSF-modifying enzymes, or by changes in the intracellular level of heat shock proteins.

This TAP family belongs to the Heat shock factors structural class of the Helix-turn-helix domains structural superclass, as defined in Plant-TFClass (Blanc-Mathieu et al. 2024)


Baniwal, SK; Bharti, K; Chan, KY; Fauth, M; Ganguli, A; Kotak, S; Mishra, SK; Nover, L; Port, M; Scharf, KD; Tripp, J; Weber, C; Zielinski, D; von Koskull-Döring, P. 2004. Heat stress response in plants: a complex game with chaperones and more than twenty heat stress transcription factors. J. Biosci. 29(4):471-87

Fujita, A; Kikuchi, Y; Kuhara, S; Misumi, Y; Matsumoto, S; Kobayashi, H. 1989. Domains of the SFL1 protein of yeasts are homologous to Myc oncoproteins or yeast heat-shock transcription factor. Gene 85(2):321-8"

Nover, L; Scharf, KD; Gagliardi, D; Vergne, P; Czarnecka-Verner, E; Gurley, WB. 1996. The Hsf world: classification and properties of plant heat stress transcription factors. Cell Stress Chaperones 1(4):215-23"

Wu, C. 1995. Heat shock transcription factors: structure and regulation. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 11:441-69"

Blanc-Mathieu, Romain et al. 2024. Plant-TFClass: a structural classification for plant transcription factors. Trends in Plant Science, Volume 29, Issue 1, 40 - 51

Name: HSF
Class: TF
Number of species containing the TAP: 548 (list)
Number of available proteins: 11861
Domain rules :

TAP distribution:
Minimum Maximum Average Median
1 177 21.644160583942 19

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