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TAP Family: ET

Based on the study of (Raventós et al., 1998), the TF family HRT (Hordeum repressor of transcription) was previously integrated into TAPscan. The authors introduced this protein family as proteins containing a gibberellin phytohormone response element and are therefore involved in developmental and phytohormone-responsive regulations (Raventós et al., 1998). However, a more recent study by (Tedeschi et al., 2019) characterized this family as EFFECTORS OF TRANSCRIPTION (ET). ET proteins are plant-specific transcription factors specified by highly conserved ET repeats and a GIY-YIG domain, a DNA single-strand nuclease domain (Tedeschi et al., 2019). In line with (Raventós et al., 1998), also (Ivanov et al., 2012) were able to demonstrate an involvement in the regulation of gibberellin to ensure correct seed development. Moreover, it is suggested that ET proteins are involved in DNA repair (Tedeschi et al., 2019).


Raventós, D., Skriver, K., Schlein, M., Karnahl, K., Rogers, S. W., Rogers, J. C., & Mundy, J. (1998). HRT, a Novel Zinc Finger, Transcriptional Repressor from Barley. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 273(36), 23313–23320.

Tedeschi, F., Rizzo, P., Huong, B. T. M., Czihal, A., Rutten, T., Altschmied, L., Scharfenberg, S., Grosse, I., Becker, C., Weigel, D., Bäumlein, H., & Kuhlmann, M. (2019). EFFECTOR OF TRANSCRIPTION factors are novel plant‐specific regulators associated with genomic DNA methylation in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 221(1), 261–278.

Ivanov, R., Tiedemann, J., Czihal, A., & Baumlein, H. (2012). Transcriptional regulator AtET2 is required for the induction of dormancy during late seed development. Journal of Plant Physiology, 169(5), 501–508.

Name: ET
Class: TF
Number of species containing the TAP: 366 (list)
Number of available proteins: 653
Domain rules :

TAP distribution:
Minimum Maximum Average Median
1 17 1.7841530054645 1

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