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Santi et al (2003): The barley b recombinant (BBR) protein binds specifically to the (GA/TC)8 repeat. BBR is nuclear targeted and is a characterized nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequence, a DNA-binding domain extended up to 90 aa at the C-terminus and a putative N-terminal activation domain. The corresponding gene has no introns and is ubiquitously expressed in barley tissues. In co-transfection experiments, BBR activates (GA/TC)8-containing promoters, and its overexpression in tobacco leads to a pronounced leaf shape modification. BBR has properties of a GAGA-binding factor, but the corresponding gene has no sequence homology to Trl and Psq of Drosophila, which encode functionally analogous proteins.


Santi, L; Wang, Y; Stile, MR; Berendzen, K; Wanke, D; Roig, C; Pozzi, C; Müller, K; Müller, J; Rohde, W; Salamini, F. 2003. The GA octodinucleotide repeat binding factor BBR participates in the transcriptional regulation of the homeobox gene Bkn3. Plant J. 34(6):813-26

Class: TF
Number of species containing the TAP: 361 (list)
Number of available proteins: 2535
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TAP distribution:
Minimum Maximum Average Median
1 34 7.0221606648199 6

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