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TAP Family: AP2

Riechmann & Meyerowitz (1998): AP2 (APETALA2) and EREBPs (ethylene-responsive element binding proteins) are the prototypic members of a family of transcription factors unique to plants, whose distinguishing characteristic is that they contain the so-called AP2 DNA-binding domain. AP2/ REBP genes form a large multigene family, and they play a variety of roles throughout the plant life cycle: from being key regulators of several developmental processes, like floral organ identity determination or control of leaf epidermal cell identity, to forming part of the mechanisms used by plants to respond to various types of biotic and environmental stress.

This TAP family belongs to the AP2/EREBP structural class of the Beta-hairpin exposed by an alpha/beta-scaffold structural superclass, as defined in Plant-TFClass (Blanc-Mathieu et al. 2024)


Gutterson, N; Reuber, TL. 2004. Regulation of disease resistance pathways by AP2/ERF transcription factors. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 7(4):465-71

Liu, Y; Zhao, TJ; Liu, JM; Liu, WQ; Liu, Q; Yan, YB; Zhou, HM. 2006. The conserved Ala37 in the ERF/AP2 domain is essential for binding with the DRE element and the GCC box. FEBS Lett. 580(5):1303-8"

Riechmann, JL; Meyerowitz, EM. 1998. The AP2/EREBP family of plant transcription factors. Biol. Chem. 379(6):633-46"

Shigyo, M; Hasebe, M; Ito, M. 2006. Molecular evolution of the AP2 subfamily. Gene 366(2):256-65"

Shigyo, M; Ito, M. 2004. Analysis of gymnosperm two-AP2-domain-containing genes. Dev. Genes Evol. 214(3):105-14"

Magnani, E; Sjölander, K; Hake, S. 2004. From endonucleases to transcription factors: evolution of the AP2 DNA binding domain in plants. Plant Cell 16(9):2265-77"

Ohme-Takagi, M; Shinshi, H. 1995. Ethylene-inducible DNA binding proteins that interact with an ethylene-responsive element. Plant Cell 7(2):173-82"

Weigel, D. 1995. The APETALA2 domain is related to a novel type of DNA binding domain. Plant Cell 7(4):388-9"

Gutterson, N; Reuber, TL. 2004. Regulation of disease resistance pathways by AP2/ERF transcription factors. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 7(4):465-71"

Liu, Y; Zhao, TJ; Liu, JM; Liu, WQ; Liu, Q; Yan, YB; Zhou, HM. 2006. The conserved Ala37 in the ERF/AP2 domain is essential for binding with the DRE element and the GCC box. FEBS Lett. 580(5):1303-8"

Magnani, E; Sjölander, K; Hake, S. 2004. From endonucleases to transcription factors: evolution of the AP2 DNA binding domain in plants. Plant Cell 16(9):2265-77"

Ohme-Takagi, M; Shinshi, H. 1995. Ethylene-inducible DNA binding proteins that interact with an ethylene-responsive element. Plant Cell 7(2):173-82"

Riechmann, JL; Meyerowitz, EM. 1998. The AP2/EREBP family of plant transcription factors. Biol. Chem. 379(6):633-46"

Shigyo, M; Hasebe, M; Ito, M. 2006. Molecular evolution of the AP2 subfamily. Gene 366(2):256-65"

Shigyo, M; Ito, M. 2004. Analysis of gymnosperm two-AP2-domain-containing genes. Dev. Genes Evol. 214(3):105-14"

Weigel, D. 1995. The APETALA2 domain is related to a novel type of DNA binding domain. Plant Cell 7(4):388-9"

Blanc-Mathieu, Romain et al. 2024. Plant-TFClass: a structural classification for plant transcription factors. Trends in Plant Science, Volume 29, Issue 1, 40 - 51

Name: AP2
Class: TF
Number of species containing the TAP: 501 (list)
Number of available proteins: 65645
Domain rules :

TAP distribution:
Minimum Maximum Average Median
1 800 131.02794411178 124

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