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Species containing TAP Family: VARL (total: 7)

Below is the table of species in which TAP VARL was found. Click on a species name to go to the species page, or click on a TaxID to go to the corresponding NCBI page

Lettercode Species Name NCBI TaxID
CHLIN Chlamydomonas incerta SAG 7.73 51695
CHLRE Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 3055
CHLSC Chlamydomonas schloesseri CCAP 11/173 2026947
EDADE Edaphochlamys debaryana 47281
GONPE Gonium pectorale 33097
TETSO Tetrabaena socialis 47790
VOLCA Volvox carteri 3067
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