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Domains Table

This is a table of all domains covered in TAPscan, including custom domains.

Domain PFAM ID
WSD PF15613
WHIM1 PF15612
CAF1C_H4-bd PF12265
O-FucT PF10250
VEFS-Box PF09733
QLQ PF08880
WRC PF08879
Med26 PF08711
Whirly PF08536
MBF1 PF08523
bZIP_2 PF07716
Auxin_resp PF06507
GAGA_bind PF06217
CCT PF06203
tify PF06200
Med7 PF05983
FYRC PF05965
FYRN PF05964
TANGO2 PF05742
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TAPscan logo created by Debbie Maizels