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Species Table

This is a table of all species included in TAPscan v4. Protein names (e.g. in the phylogenetic trees) are extended by a (typically five) letter code abbreviating the species, e.g. ORYSA = ORYza SAtiva. These lettercodes are listed in the table below.

5 Letter Code Species Name NCBI TaxID Actions
SCLBI Sclerocarya birrea 289766
SCHPO Schizosaccharomyces pombe 4896
SCHIS Schizocladia ischiensis 196139
SARFU Sargassum fusiforme 590727
SALSP Salvia splendens 180675
SALRO Salpingoeca rosetta 946362
SALPU Salix purpurea 77065
SALMI Salvia miltiorrhiza 226208
SALEN Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2 99287
SALCU Salvinia cucullata 32188
SALBR Salix brachista 2182728
SACSP Saccharum spontaneum 62335
SACLA Saccharina latissima (F) 309358
SACHY Saccharum hybrid cultivar R570 131158
SACCE Saccharomyces cerevisiae 559292
RUBOC Rubus occidentalis 75079
ROSMU Rosa multiflora 74647
ROSCH Rosa chinensis 74649
RICCO Ricinus communis 3988
RHOWI Rhododendron williamsianum 262921
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