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Species Table

This is a table of all species included in TAPscan v4. Protein names (e.g. in the phylogenetic trees) are extended by a (typically five) letter code abbreviating the species, e.g. ORYSA = ORYza SAtiva. These lettercodes are listed in the table below.

5 Letter Code Species Name NCBI TaxID Actions
CERPUGG Ceratodon purpureus 3225
CERPUMtr Ceratodon purpureus 3225
CERPUR Ceratodon purpureus 3225
CERRI Ceratopteris richardii 49495
CHABR Chara braunii 69332
CHAFA Chamaecrista fasciculata 53854
CHAGLtr Chaetosphaeridium globosum 96477
CHEPA Chenopodium pallidicaule 882375
CHEQU Chenopodium quinoa 63459
CHISA Chimonanthus salicifolius 300219
CHLAT Chlorokybus atmophyticus 3144
CHLATtr Chlorokybus atmophyticus 3144
CHLEU Chlamydomonas eustigma 1157962
CHLFE Chlamydia felis Fe/C-56 264202
CHLIN Chlamydomonas incerta SAG 7.73 51695
CHLP1 Chloropicon primus 1764295
CHLPN Chlamydophila pneumoniae AR39 115711
CHLPR Chlorella protothecoides 3075
CHLRE Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 3055
CHLSC Chlamydomonas schloesseri CCAP 11/173 2026947
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