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Species Table

This is a table of all species included in TAPscan v4. Protein names (e.g. in the phylogenetic trees) are extended by a (typically five) letter code abbreviating the species, e.g. ORYSA = ORYza SAtiva. These lettercodes are listed in the table below.

5 Letter Code Species Name NCBI TaxID Actions
CAEEL Caenorhabditis elegans 6239
CAJCA Cajanus cajan 3821
CALGI Calotropis gigantea 4066
CALJE Calamus jenkinsianus 1510057
CALNI Calditerrivibrio nitroreducens DSM 19672 768670
CALSI Calamus simplicifolius 746888
CALTU Calliarthron tuberculosum 48942
CAMAC Camptotheca acuminata 16922
CAMJE Campylobacter jejuni RM1221 195099
CAMSA Camelina sativa 90675
CAMSI Camellia sinensis 4442
CANKO Candidatus Korarchaeum cryptofilum OPF8 374847
CANSA Cannabis sativa 3483
CANSACAtr Cannabis sativa canSat3 3483
CANSAFItr Cannabis sativa finola1 3483
CAPANCM Capsicum annuum CM344 4072
CAPANGL Capsicum annuum (spp. glabriusculum) 165789
CAPANZU Capsicum annuum (spp. zunla) 4072
CAPBA Capsicum baccatum 33114
CAPCH Capsicum chinense 80379
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