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Species Table

This is a table of all species included in TAPscan v4. Protein names (e.g. in the phylogenetic trees) are extended by a (typically five) letter code abbreviating the species, e.g. ORYSA = ORYza SAtiva. These lettercodes are listed in the table below.

5 Letter Code Species Name NCBI TaxID Actions
ANAOC Anacardium occidentale 171929
ANACO Ananas comosus 4615
AMPQU Amphimedon queenslandica 400682
AMOCE Amoebophrya ceratii AT5.2 1775427
AMMNA Ammopiptanthus nanus 111851
AMBTR Amborella trichopoda 13333
AMAHY Amaranthus hypochondriacus 28502
ALNGL Alnus glutinosa 3517
ALLMA Allomyces macrogynus 28583
AGRTU Agrobacterium fabrum str. C58 176299
AETAR Aethionema arabicum 228871
AERPE Aeropyrum pernix K1 272557
AEGTA Aegilops tauschii 37682
ACTER Actinidia eriantha 165200
ACTCH Actinidia chinensis 3625
ACEYA Acer yangbiense 1000413
ABRPR Abrus precatorius 3816
ABIAL Abies alba 45372
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